New opening hours:
MON-THU 02 PM - 02 AM
FRI-SAT 02 PM - 03 AM / SUN closed
Kitchen: 02 PM - 10 PM
New opening hours:
MON-THU 02 PM - 02 AM
FRI-SAT 02 PM - 03 AM / SUN closed
Kitchen: 02 PM - 10 PM
* the female guests are self-employed just like the individual masseurs working at any given time and offer their services fully independently and on their own account.
Graz / Styria 20 km around the Paradise
Our ladies work on a self-employed basis, the scope of services is to be agreed with the ladies themselves.
The Paradise-Graz takes over the professional handling between customer and lady.
Requests under +436641640400
Come in a group of at least 4 friends and we will invite you for
1 bottle of gin, vodka, jacky or bacardi 0.7l + side drinks
Have fun !
Entry as a couple for € 128 instead of € 148 + 1 drink for the lady
Our masseuses offer you professional massages
Book now by phone at +43 316 40 58 42